PandeVITA Newsletter | July 2022

PandeVITA Newsletter | July 2022


Hello ,

since our last newsletter, many things have happened at PandeVITA. After the first 15 months, a successful review meeting took place. Therefore, we would like to thank sincerely all our partners for the great cooperation. Many interesting results have already been found and the development of our PandeVITA-Dashboard, which will further optimise the communication between science and society regarding pandemic crisis situations, is progressing.


In this newsletter we will go into more detail on these aspects as well as on the various conferences and publications of the last months. In addition, we are very pleased that Königswinter is our new scientific and municipal cooperation partner.


For questions, please write us an e-mail or contact us via social media!


Lutz Peschke (coordinator)
Noemi Kolloch, Janina Scholz, Maximilian Noak, Alba Ma Gallejo Montejo for the PandeVITA consortium


Our goal with PandeVITA is to develop a platform that encourages citizens to support science, especially with collected data on basic health information to assess mobility and communication patterns in "normal" life and in pandemic crises.


This will ensure that knowledge transfer is a two-way relationship. Through an additionally balanced and transparent exchange of knowledge between politics and business, an overall picture of the desired quadruple helix can thus emerge.


In order to get closer to the aim of the quadruple helix, among other things, a dashboard for information procurement as well as knowledge exchange is being developed. One of the main features of the PandeVITA-Dashboard is to display data on the pandemic and socio-economic data of the pilot countries. First pictures and further explanations of the prototype can be found on our social media channels.


After 15 months, we took part in a review meeting in which we presented all the results of the work packages to the project officer and a European reviewer. They paid particular attention to whether we had fulfilled all the requirements. Our partners prepared and gave a very good and intensive presentation on the work packages, which was well received by the reviewers, as our aims and results were presented in a structured and clear manner.


We have  succeeded in creating new knowledge about the nature of society's information needs in times of pandemic crisis in order to improve innovation and decision-making processes in collaboration with stakeholders from business and politics.


Overall, the review was successful and there was a lot of positive feedback. The good results of the review show that our project is on the right track for the next 15 months.


Pandevita @ Conferences

Two papers about PandeVITA research results were accepted by the annual online conference of the IAMCR (International Association of Media and Communication Research) in Beijing, which took place from 11th to 15th July 2022. Frans Folkvord, Lutz Peschke, Yasemin Gümüş Ağca and Francisco Lupiáñez-Villanueva talked about "Panacea contact tracing? A pilot study in the Netherlands and Turkey to assess public preferences for the introduction of a COVID-19 tracing app". This study tested different attributes that could lead to further app development to promote engagement. In the section "Law", Seldağ Güneş Peschke presented the topic "Data processing through smartphone applications during the pandemic in the context of data protection regulations in different countries".


A paper submitted by Seldağ Güneş Peschke, Lutz Peschke and Yasin Aydoğdu (Ozmangazi University Eskişehir) on "Disinformation and Legal Dimensions in Cookie Policies of Websites" was presented at the Symposium on Digital Disinformation and Law at Ankara Social Science University on 16 May 2022. Furthermore, Nildağ Başak Ceylan, Ayhan Kapusuzoğlu, Lutz Peschke published their paper "The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on macroeconomic indicators: Quadruple Helix model for Turkey case study" in Scientific Bulletin - Economic Sciences. 

Cooperation with city Königswinter

In order to test the PandeVita app and platform with a diverse test group, several focus group events will be organised in autumn. Königswinter is now a scientific and municipal cooperation partner for the focus group event in Germany. The city of Königswinter and PandeVITA, are very interested in citizen participation and together they can collect important results on citizen engagement in pandemic crises.


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101006316.